Ochazuke Japanese Porridge

This is a simple comfort dish that comes together very quickly. It meets all the Ayurvedic principles of an evening meal, light, warm, easily digested, complete with 6 tastes. Satisfies all doshas with adjustments.

Miso is salty and sour fermented tastes, and is most supportive for Vata types. As fermented foods are warming, it is beneficial for Kapha types who tend toward cold, dull digestion. if used in moderation. Please omit for Pitta if there is an imbalance. The salt content can lead to water retention and high blood pressure.

From an Ayurvedic point of view Green tea’s taste can be described as bitter; its effect is cool, also mobile and dry. For people with a lot of Pitta it can be pleasantly cooling, it is also good for Kapha and with the addition of ginger and black pepper can pacify Vata.


2 cups Japanese Rice (cooked (brown or white))

1 cup Baby Spinach (packed and blanched)

1 tbsp Sesame Seeds (toasted)

2 tsps Scallions (sliced on a slant)

1 tbsp Miso Paste (optional)

2 cups Green Tea (brewed)

2 Umeboshi

2 Nori Sheets (Cut into thin strips.)

Divide rice, spinach, sesame seeds and scallions evenly between two bowls. Add some of miso paste into each.

Pour hot green tea evenly over each bowl. Top with seaweed. Add Umeboshi. Add some Shichimi (Japanese 7 spices or chili) for an extra punch. Enjoy!

Rashmi ZImburg